Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Invisible Parting Sew in Weave 'Merry may'

Hiya,I didn't think it will take another month for another post !s mh(shaking my head).  I need to come up with a plan of how to push out this 15 mins post quickly and frequently.

Moving on 'Happy New Month' Hope you had a good bank holiday?(For those in the uk).

I did this style sometime ago and i just wanted to share. It's pretty similar to the previous Invisible part i did few months ago but instead of the using the bonding glue you have to sew it in. You will find hundreds of videos on YouTube about this. I will blog about my 'YouTube favorites' soon. Some of those ladies are "About this life" i stole this quote from basketballers wives, i put a positive spin on it.

 I have to really put my foot down on this to do list's of mine.

This is the pattern i used and hair she brought. :) Its Remi touch by Sleek. I liked the texture too.

First picture to your left i curled the left side if the weave. Middle picture this what the invisible part looks like after few lines have been added.
Until next time. Be "About this life" :)


