Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Invisible Parting Sew in Weave 'Merry may'

Hiya,I didn't think it will take another month for another post !s mh(shaking my head).  I need to come up with a plan of how to push out this 15 mins post quickly and frequently.

Moving on 'Happy New Month' Hope you had a good bank holiday?(For those in the uk).

I did this style sometime ago and i just wanted to share. It's pretty similar to the previous Invisible part i did few months ago but instead of the using the bonding glue you have to sew it in. You will find hundreds of videos on YouTube about this. I will blog about my 'YouTube favorites' soon. Some of those ladies are "About this life" i stole this quote from basketballers wives, i put a positive spin on it.

 I have to really put my foot down on this to do list's of mine.

This is the pattern i used and hair she brought. :) Its Remi touch by Sleek. I liked the texture too.

First picture to your left i curled the left side if the weave. Middle picture this what the invisible part looks like after few lines have been added.
Until next time. Be "About this life" :)





  1. i really wanna do an invisible parting but im scared it will go wrong. advice pls

    1. Hi if you are really scared perhaps you can go to a stylist but with most things practice makes perfect. if you don't get it right the first time try again. I try not to stress about my hair. If its not want you want you can always take it out.

  2. Hi i don't think you have anything to be worried about. If you have no clue about hairdressing i recommend you go to a salon or stylist. If not just go on YouTube you will find alot of videos to help you better understand ho to go about doing it yourself. I hope that helps:)Let me know how you get on.

  3. I'm doing the first picture invisible part I'm worried the tracks will show

  4. Have you tried watching the videos on YouTube?

  5. I've looked on youtube to see how this is done, but I didn't really like the way they did their closures. how did you do the closure for this one?

  6. Hi, I did it like its done on youtube. I have see if i can actually do a step by step post. Thank you

  7. Hi love , thank u for helping learners like us , pls dear snap and show how u sew the middle of the invincible parting that connect to the other side.. ie middle..
